The I've Been Cooking Editorial Process: Crafting Culinary Excellence

Introduction: Our Commitment to Quality

At I've Been Cooking, our editorial process is the cornerstone of our commitment to bringing you authentic, reliable, and inspiring culinary content. We believe that every recipe, every article, and every piece of culinary wisdom we share should meet the highest standards of accuracy, authenticity, and accessibility.

Our founders, David Harvey and Eric Parsons, established this rigorous process to ensure that I've Been Cooking remains a trusted resource for food enthusiasts around the world. From the initial spark of an idea to the final published piece, every step of our editorial journey is infused with passion, expertise, and an unwavering dedication to culinary excellence.

In this detailed overview, we'll take you behind the scenes of our editorial process, showing you how we transform raw ideas into polished, reliable content that inspires and educates our global community of cooks.

The Foundation: Our Editorial Principles

Before we delve into the specifics of our process, it's important to understand the core principles that guide every editorial decision we make:

The Editorial Journey: From Concept to Publication

1. Idea Generation and Research

Every piece of content on I've Been Cooking begins with an idea. These ideas come from various sources:

  • Our team's culinary explorations and travels
  • User requests and feedback
  • Trending topics in the culinary world
  • Seasonal and cultural events
  • Collaborations with chefs and food experts

Once an idea is selected, our research team springs into action. They delve deep into the culinary tradition, historical context, and cultural significance of the dish or topic. This involves:

  • Consulting academic sources and culinary texts
  • Interviewing local experts and home cooks
  • Analyzing existing recipes and variations
  • Exploring the ingredient's history and cultural importance

This thorough research forms the foundation of our content, ensuring that every recipe and article is grounded in authentic culinary tradition.

2. Recipe Development and Testing

For recipes, our development process is particularly rigorous:

  1. Initial Development: Our recipe developers create an initial version based on research and traditional methods.
  2. First Round of Testing: The recipe is prepared exactly as written in our test kitchen.
  3. Evaluation and Adjustment: The team tastes the dish, evaluating flavor, texture, and authenticity. Adjustments are made as needed.
  4. Multiple Iterations: Steps 2 and 3 are repeated, often 3-5 times, until the recipe meets our standards.
  5. Ingredient Accessibility Testing: We test substitutions for hard-to-find ingredients, ensuring the recipe is accessible to a global audience.
  6. User Kitchen Simulation: The recipe is tested in a typical home kitchen setup to ensure it's replicable for our users.
  7. Final Tasting Panel: A diverse panel, including team members not involved in the development, tastes the final version.

Only recipes that successfully pass through this entire process make it to publication.

3. Content Writing and Editing

Whether it's a recipe, an article, or a cultural deep-dive, our content goes through a meticulous writing and editing process:

  1. Initial Draft: Our writers, often specialists in the cuisine or topic, create the first draft.
  2. Peer Review: The draft is reviewed by another team member for accuracy and clarity.
  3. Expert Consultation: For complex topics, we consult with subject matter experts to verify information.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity Check: Our diversity team reviews the content to ensure respectful and accurate cultural representation.
  5. Copy Editing: Our copy editors refine the language, ensuring it's clear, engaging, and error-free.
  6. Final Review: A senior editor does a final pass, checking for adherence to our style guide and overall quality.
  7. User Perspective Review: We ask team members to read the content from a user's perspective, ensuring it's accessible and valuable.

4. Visual Content Creation

At I've Been Cooking, we believe that visual appeal is crucial in culinary content. Our visual content creation process includes:

  • Food Styling: Our food stylists prepare the dish, ensuring it looks appetizing while remaining true to the recipe.
  • Photography: Professional food photographers capture the dish, often taking multiple shots to showcase different stages or serving suggestions.
  • Videography: For selected recipes, we create video content to demonstrate key techniques.
  • Graphic Design: Our designers create infographics, illustrations, and other visual aids to enhance understanding.
  • Visual Editing: All visual content undergoes careful editing to ensure it meets our quality standards and accurately represents the dish.

5. Fact-Checking and Final Verification

Before any content is published, it goes through a final round of rigorous fact-checking:

  • All factual claims are verified against reliable sources
  • Recipes are cross-checked against our testing notes to ensure accuracy
  • Cultural information is reviewed by experts in the relevant cuisine
  • Nutritional information, if included, is verified by our registered dietitians
  • All measurements and conversions are double-checked for accuracy

Quality Control and Continuous Improvement

Our commitment to quality doesn't end with publication. We have several processes in place to ensure ongoing quality control and improvement:

Transparency and Corrections

Despite our best efforts, we recognize that errors can occur. Our policy on corrections is as follows:

Collaborations and Guest Contributors

I've Been Cooking occasionally features content from guest contributors, including renowned chefs, culinary experts, and food writers. Our process for collaborative content includes:

Cultural Sensitivity and Representation

Given the global nature of our content, cultural sensitivity is paramount in our editorial process:

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations

Our editorial process also takes into account sustainability and ethical considerations:

The Role of Technology in Our Editorial Process

While our process is rooted in traditional culinary practices, we also leverage modern technology to enhance our editorial capabilities:

Adapting Recipes for Different Dietary Needs

We recognize that our audience has diverse dietary requirements. Our process for adapting recipes includes:

Seasonal and Ingredient-Driven Content Planning

Our editorial calendar is carefully crafted to align with seasonal ingredients and global food celebrations:

Educational Content and Skill Development

Beyond recipes, we're committed to helping our users develop their culinary skills:

Community Engagement in Our Editorial Process

We believe that our community plays a crucial role in shaping our content:

Balancing Tradition and Innovation

While we're committed to preserving culinary traditions, we also recognize the value of innovation:

Addressing Controversial Topics in Food

The culinary world often intersects with complex social, political, and environmental issues. Our approach to these topics includes:

Continuous Professional Development

We invest in the ongoing education and development of our editorial team:

The Future of Our Editorial Process

As we look to the future, we're excited about new opportunities to enhance our editorial process:

Conclusion: Our Commitment to You

At I've Been Cooking, our editorial process is a labor of love, driven by our passion for global cuisines and our commitment to our community. We strive to bring you content that is not just accurate and authentic, but also inspiring and transformative.

We're grateful for the trust you place in us, and we promise to continue evolving and improving our processes to serve you better. Our journey through the world's kitchens is one we're excited to share with you, one recipe at a time.

Thank you for being part of the I've Been Cooking community. Here's to many more delicious adventures together!

Still hungry? Check out more recipes below!